HP Multi-Function Calculator: "Tool Of The Trade"
Photo Courtesy Bob Tyszka
Monroe 10-place Calculator (CSA10)
Photo Courtesy hpmuseum.org
Monroe 10-place Calculator
Photo Courtesy vintagecalculators.com
Marchant Figurematic 10ADX
Mechanical, electrically driven, very sophisticated machine capable of
high-speed multiplication and division using a complex mechanism,
unlike that of other mechanical calculators.
Photo Courtesy vintagecalculators.com
Olivetti Programma 101 - 1965
Was the first stored-program desktop calculator. Four-function, square root,
branching instruction. Uses discrete transistors and magnetic card storage.
Photo Courtesy of Museo Nazionale della Scienza e
della Tecnologia “Leonardo da Vinci”, Milan
7090 Data Processing System
Photo Courtesy IBM Corporation
Note on the IBM 7090/7094 System: These large, "Main Frame"
computers were not set up for input directly from card readers or for output
directly to printers. Instead, an IBM 1401 computer was used to perform punched
card to magnetic tape data input operations, and also magnetic tape to printer
output operations, thus freeing the main frame from these time-consuming
input/output functions.
7094 Data Processing System
Photo Courtesy IBM Corporation
7094 Data Processing System - Operator Console This system employed program-accessible "sense switches" and "sense-lights" which allowed the operator to set program running conditions in real time via the switches, and also allowed the program to store intermediate conditions or operator notices via the lights while running.
Photo Courtesy IBM Corporation