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Space Geodetic Survey Squadron/Group
Last Update: July 19, 2018
1160   views since June 14, 2009
Space Space

This site is an unofficial listing of personnel that were in the Geodetic Survey Squadron/Group from July 1959 to October 1993.

For information on the web site contact
   Garrett Moore or
   Dick Winslow

If you spot any errors, accept our apologies and let Dick Winslow know about the needed corrections.

Newsletter #75, July 18, 2018 (Posted 7/19/2018)

Newsletter archives. Lots of interesting info in these "back issues". Adds perspective to how much work Garrett does for the group. Check them out!

Memento Documents Page
If you would like to contribute documents relevant to the Geodetic Survey Squadron/Group's history, please send them to Garrett Moore.

Allan Walcker has sent in several items documenting HIRAN and SHORAN work done in the 1950's. This material has been added to our Mementos Page. You can access this material here.

Some interesting information on the early history of the military use of geodetic surveying techniques and the early origins of our Squadron / Group has been posted on our Mementos Page. Look for the article from NOAA History: "The Aftermath of War: Rockets, Reconnaissance, and the Velocity of Light" accompanied by some comments from Allan Walcker.

Also this month, two project related documents from the 1960's have been added to the Mementos Page:

I hope you will enjoy looking through these documents of historical importance.

New June 2018 on our Photos page:

Robert Tyszka has sent in a collection of photos highlighting life and training on FEW during the 80's and survey work in Utah during the same time period.

Recent Losses

We recently learned of the passing of Billy Ray Jolly.

Jim Rolen says this about him:
“While doing a recent web search I came across the obit for a 1381st veteran Bill Jolly (full name: Billy Ray Jolly). The obit indicates he passed away March 2, 2016. Bill's name is not listed on the squadron web site but he was my supervisor in the Data Control unit of the Data Reduction Division in the early to mid 1960's. He was also a great personal friend and mentor during my time in Orlando. According to the obit, Bill continued his Air Force career from there retiring as a Chief Master Sargent after 32 years service.”

1381st GSS Patch
1381st Geodetic Survey Squadron Patch

Special thanks to Al Roberti for providing the image.
The patch was the property of Jim Farrington (May he rest in peace).
These are truly rare.

Reunion News...

Jack Studley, our "point man" in Cheyenne, has set up Reunion 2018 for August 3, 4 & 5 at the Red Lion Hotel and Conference Center (formerly the Radisson Hotel, formerly the Holiday Inn) in Cheyenne. Our special room rate will be $91 per night, only $3 more than the rate in 2015! Here is the reservation information:

Red Lion Hotel and Conference Center
204 W Fox Farm Rd
Cheyenne WY 82007
Hotel phone: 307-638-4466

Refer to: GEODETIC, or Event #1006, to obtain conference rates.

Details and the planned main events, will be shared as they become firm, and how to order and pay for the events you plan to attend.

New June 1, 2018 -

2018 Commemorative Coins!

Here are the images of the new commemorative coins and pendants. They commemorate the emblems, names and dates by which our Squadron/Group was designated during its lifetime. A coin/pendant for the Squadron’s original designation—1381st Geodetic Survey Squadron (Missile), 1959-64— was minted and sold out before the 2015 reunion. Directions on how to order your coins or pendants will appear in the June 2018 newsletter, or contact Garrett Moore.

The designs for the new commemorative coins may be viewed here: 2018 Coins

New 14 April 2016 - DET 1 Photos Please Identify These Men, If You Know Who They Are

UPDATE! We now have all of the folks in the 1980 color photo identified, but not the earlier black & white photo from 1969.

In reference to the Det 1 photo from 1980 (verified correct) the pictured individuals are identified starting from upper left to lower right: Jim Elwell, Ken Vath, Gerald Smith, Gerald Salsgiver, Dave McLeod, Charles Crawford, Doris Bueker, Steve Larson, Hugh Buteau, Tony Roe, Bill Smith, Kevin Yates, Jim Will, Carlos Herrera and Dave Schmitz.

We still need more input from Det 1 veterans to identify those in the black & white photo.

A Short History

Established in 1959 at Orlando AFB, Florida, as part of the USAF's 1370th Photomapping Group, the Squadron went through several evolutions in its name and organizational relationships, finally ending up as part of the Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) in 1972. The unit's various designations include:

  • 1381st Geodetic Survey Squadron (Missile), 1959-64
  • 1381st Geodetic Survey Squadron , 1964–68
  • 1st Geodetic Survey Squadron, 1968-72
  • Geodetic Survey Squadron, 1972–89
  • Geodetic Survey Group, 1989–93

Never a very large organization, it retained its unique status as a one-of-a-kind, lean unit of smart and dedicated people, a mix of military and civilian technical staff, that provided critical, high precision geospatial and geophysical information for defense and geospatial-intelligence needs anywhere in the world. During the 1960s, the Squadron and its detachments reached peak staffing with 69 officers, 361 enlisted, and 32 civilians. The Squadron was on call to carry out state-of-the-art geodetic surveys on short notice, and its adventurous field personnel spent much of their time deployed on missions lasting from a few days to many months, often in remote and difficult locations.

The Squadron headquarters moved from Orlando to Cheyenne in 1965, where it remained until it was disbanded in 1993 following the end of the Cold War. The Headquarters unit was also supported by a handful of small detachments primarily dedicated to supporting the positioning and guidance requirements of the ICBMs scattered throughout the mid-continent, test facilities in the Southwest and the important space and missile test launch sites at Cape Canaveral and Vandenberg AFB on the coasts.

After being disbanded, the Squadron's functions were first taken over by the Geodesy & Geophysics Office within DMA and now fall under the Office of Geomatics, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). For a more detailed history, go to “Our Ground Geodetic Surveyor Brethren” by Gordon Barnes.

The List.....
PRIVACY NOTICE: Members' names are linked to detailed contact and/or personal information. Access is restricted to registered members. If you are an unregistered alumnus of the GSS/GSG, please contact Garrett Moore to register.
Darwin Abby
May/1960 - August/1963

Gerold R. Abraham

Robert Ackley
1967-1971, 1978-1984

Larry J. Adkins

Kathy Ahlenius
August 1986 to November 1993

John D Allen

Kenneth Allen
September 1968-September 1972

Raymond F. Allen III
1978 - 1993

Barry Alston
1972 - 1976

Garry L. Anspach
Oct. 1960 to Sept. 1964

Keith (aka: Arch) Archuleta and Louise (File) Archuleta
Arch served '86 to '89 & '91 to current.
Louise '88 to '93.

Robert A. Arriola
Feb 1963 to May 28, 1966

Jim Askew
Dec 1973 to JAN 1978

Allen ( Al ) Bain
Sept. 1960 to Aug. 1964

Wes Baker
Jan 1986 to June 1989

William K. Ballinger (Bill)
1971-1975, F.E. Warren and Vandenberg

Allan Barlis
March 1961 - March 1965 (Orlando to Minot to Grand Forks)

Gordon L. Barnes

Stephen P. Barrows
1977-1981, 1982-1991

James Errol Baxley
1962-64 1381st, Orlando AFB; 1964-67 Det.3, 1381st, Grand Forks AFB; 1969-78, Det. 4, GSS; 1978-1985 GSS, Warren AFB

Karen Finnegan Baxley

Larry T Bean
1958 & 1959,Data Reduction,
Returned from four trips to Vietnam, Thailand, & Laos, (LS 85) 1967, 1968, & 1969

Evan Becker
7/68 - 7/73

Mark Belrose
Nov 86 - Dec 92 with DMA, Oct 93 - present with NIMA/NGA

Kenneth PD Bennett
Cheyenne from Dec 1982 - Oct 1985 and at Vandenberg Det 1 from Oct 1985 - June 1991

Richard C. Bishop
June 1967 to Dec 1968

James Bjork
October 1960 to April 1968

James (Jim) R Blackburn Jr
Jan 1969 - Spp 1975

Walter Blackmer
1961 to 1984

Brenda Blake (now Schilinski)
Dec 1975 - Feb 1980

Ruben Boehler
1989 - 1993

Paul Bolain
September 1991 – September 1994

Dalton R Borchardt (Boe) (Honorary Member)
09/09/1959 to 12/31/1985
222 surveyor complete career, 4754th Radar Eval, 2876 GEEIA, 5th TAC, 1 CEVG & 1843rd EIS

Richard W. Bowen

Dennis M. Boyko
August 1961 to September 1965

William "Bill" Brewer
1964-1970, Orlando AFB & FEW AFB, 1971-1982 FEW AFB

Gerald W. Brezina
15 Jul 68 - Nov 73

Kathy Brieden Flinn
(widow of Gerald R. Brieden)

Robert P. (Bob) Brown
Feb/1969 - Jul/1973

Bob Bruce
June 1968 - June 1971

Mike Bruess
1967 & 68

Dale R. Burch
July 16, 1963 to July 16, 1967

Carlos L. "Buddy" Bush
JUL 69 - JUL 73

Francesco A. Calabrese, D.Sc. (Honorary Member)
US Army Chief of Engineers, Topo & Mil Engr Directorate Staff, Geodesy Branch.
Liaison with 1381st GSS, Orlando 1962-’63.

Kelly Callantine

Bill Carder
1966 - 1968

Leslie Carlson
Aug 1967 to Oct 1968

CMSGT Robert A. Carlson, USAF, Retired
1 July 1959 to 31 Oct 1959 (Completed Training and sent to the 7420th ES&E in Germany, Geodetic Survey Section)

Troy D. Carpenter
Aug 1982 to Dec 1982 - FEW AFB, WY; Dec 1982 to Jul 1985 - Det 1, VAFB, CA

John K. Cartee
Apr 1960 to Oct 1962 - Orlando AFB, FL; Oct 1962 to Jun 1964 - Det 4, Ellsworth AFB, SD

Bill Carter
1961-63 and 1965-67

Clyde Catron
1961 to 1963 and 1972 to 1975

James T. Cerar
1966 - 1970

Obie M. Chambers
1961 - Oct. 1964

Patrick L. "Pat" Church
Orlando June 1964, retired from FEW 1 Nov 1968

Janice Marie Christian, (Singleton)
09 Jan '69 to 04 Nov 70

Alan G. Cieluch
May 1970 - April 1974

LeRoy W Clark
May 7, 1963 to May 5, 1967

John Colley
Jan 90 - Dec 91

Kim Conner
January 1986 to August 1990

Al Cramer

William "Bill" Cramsie
May 1973 - Mar 1976

Steve Craviotto
Det 2, Malmstrom AFB, 1971-72;
Sat Tri, F.E. Warren AFB, 1972-1975;
Det 1, Vandenberg AFB, 1975-1978

Stephen Creaghan
Nov 1978 - Aug 1985

Warren D Cropp
July 69 - April 74

Louis J Czako
1963-Dec? 1964

Henry Dammeyer

Norman K. Dang
July 1960 - May 1961

Martin (Mike) DaRonco
May 1966 to Sept. 1970

Gilbert G Dayanan
1988-1993, F. E. Warren AFB, Wy

William A DeLoach

John DePuy
1966-1971 - Cheyenne; 1974-1979 - Vandenberg

Herman Dogan Jr.
1. 20 Aug 69 - 25 Oct 70 at Det 5, 1st Geodetic Survey Squadron, Whiteman AFB, MO. (MAC);
2. 24 May 75 - 20 July 79 at Geodetic Survey Squadron, F. E. Warren AFB, WY; and
3. 23 April 83 - 5 Aug 87 at Geodetic Survey Squadron, F. E. Warren AFB, WY.

Deborah M. Lowe (alias, Deborah M. Douglas)
1986 thru 1991

John Dudek
Aug. 1960 to Dec. 62 Orlando AFB , FL; Jan. 63 to Aug. 64 Malmstrom AFB, MT

Michael Dzekunskas
1966 - 1969

Kathy Eckhardt
79 to 89

Rick Eckhardt
Summer Hire 81, 82

Harlan J. Edmonds
08/88 to 12/92 DMAAC - St Louis, MO and 01/92 to 12/93 GSS - F. E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne, WY

James W. (Jim) Edwards
Sep 1963 - Jun 1966; Aug 1970 - Jun 1978

David Ege

Doug (Red) Elgin
Sgt E-4 (1971-1975); GS-8 (1991-1993)

Christopher A. "Chris" Ellison
1981 - 1993, F. E. Warren AFB, Wy

George A. Emerson
April 1979 - December 1993

Doug Everhart
Nov 71-Jun 75

LeRoy N. Everitt
November 1970 - January 1972; Grand Forks AFB, ND;
February 1972 - January 1982; FE Warren AFB, WY

Kenneth Ferris
Cheyenne: November 1991 - September 1993
Vandenberg: September 1993 - November 1995
Patrick: November 1995 - September 1999

Edward V. Fincke
17 Feb 1963 -1 Sept 1965 Orlando AFB FL
1 Sept 1965-18 Feb 1967 F E Warren AFB WY

Charles J. "Chuck" Finley
1959 - 1963

Ronald R. (Dick) Foster
February 1971 through 4 November 1974

Jerry Founie
1968 - 1970

John Gano

Greg Gard

Michael Garrity
May 1965 - Dec 1966

W. Karl Geibel
72-76 - Warren and Vandenberg

Jack Gerushalme
Orlando 1960-63; Malmstrom AFB 1963-64; Whiteman AFB 1965-67

Paul F. Gilbert
April 1967 - December 1993

Jeffery Golberg
May 1967 - Oct 1970

Pat C. Graham
10 Nov 60 - 5 Jun 64

James S. Green
June 1964 to August 1966

Billy Grizzard
December 1966 - August 1970

Frank R. Grudzinski
May,1962-June,1964 Orlando A.F.b.,Fla.; June,1964-December.1965 Det.3, Grand Forks A.F.b., N. D.; Oct.1967- Oct.1975 F. E. Warren A.F.b. Wyo.

Jerry Gschwind
October 1979 to 3 December, 1993

Herb Guenther
1964 to 1967

Frank "Gus" Guliuzza Jr
1 Sep 63-31 Jan77; 1 Oct 78- 31 Oct 94

Victor J. Haas
charter member in 1959-1960; 1961-67

Dana "Phred" Hannon
March, 1986 - May, 1993

Bruce Hanson
DMA @ Washington DC, 1974-76
Cheyenne, 1976-1979
NGA, Patrick AFB, Fl, 1979-present

Wayne C. Hanson
1982 - 86 Geodetic Survey Squadron, FEWAFB
1986 - 92 Satellite Tracking Branch, Herndon Site, DMAHTC, Wash DC
1992 - 94 Defense Mapping School. Ft Belvoir, VA

Harry C. Harris

Bruce Haseley
10/169 to 10/1973

Bill Hatchett
May 70 to Aug 71

Roger J Hatton

William Haugh, MSgt, USAF/Ret

K. David Godbout (Haws)

Edwin Michael Hayden
Civilian Feb 1976 - Sept 1993

James C Heiser
Det. 1 (survey 1977-1980 & 1984-1987) - GSS Cheyenne (Inertial Survey 1980-1984)

John C. (Jack) Herring
June 1965 to June 1969

Norm Hershfield, Lt. Col.

Julian Higgins
Computations (1968-69); Sat Tri (1975-76); Commander, Det 1, VAFB (1977-80)

Mike Himes
Nov. 1966 - Sept. 1970

Kyle Hipsley
Nov. 1966 - Sept. 1970

William (Bill) Hodges
July 1968 - June 1971

Robert Holman
1967 thru 1969

Larry L Hootman
March 1960 to Jun 1964; Jun 1966 to Sep1985

Richard Hornby
25 Sep 62 - 24 Sep 66

Harlan "Bud" Houston

Marion Jarles
FEW - 1967 to 1969

Alan K Jantz
Aug 4, 1961 TO Aug 7, 1964

Jerome K. Jerome
1965-1967, 1979-1982

Fred J. Johnson

Jay J. Johnson
1 Jan - 22 Apr 1964; 8 Sept 1960 - 22 Apr 1964

Michael (Mike) Johnson
June 1969 - June 1973

Anthony "Tony"Jones (now Anthony Jacobs)
Nov 1982-Jun 1986, Cheyenne, WY and
1986 to 1989 at Holloman and White Sands, NM

Richard C. Jones
FEW, 1978-81; Holloman, 1981-85

Doug & Sally Jurney

Mary Lynn (Kalb) Hay
Military: 1990-1991 / Civilian: 1992-1993

Steve Kaminski
May 1985 to October 1989

James Kasprzak
1967 - 1970

Jeffery W Kennedy
Jan 1981 thru April 1992

Joseph E. Kinnan (Joe)
Gravity Div: 1968-70; Commander of GSS 1986-88

Darlene Kirkpatrick
November 1990 to September 1993

Leo Knoblauch
Jun 1981 = Aug 1991

Roger Koehler

Mike Konkel
Nov 1982 - Aug 1993

Stephen Kopecky
Sept 1985 - June 1989

Helmut R. Korstick

Werner Koslowski
Military: 31 December 1963 to 26 May 1967;
Civilian: June 1967 - January 2003

Curtis P. Koster (Curt)
Feb 1961 to Feb 1964

Jose Kuehl (name changed to Aiden Martinez)
1979 - 1993

Jerome Kurkowski
Sept. 1984 to Dec. 1993

Neal Lamping, PhD, Colonel USAF (Ret)
July 64 - Jul 68

Steven Larson
79 to 93

Brian A. Lauderman
Nov 1986 thru Apr 1990

Nicky Lawrence

Mark Leach
83 - 86

Keith Lebon
June 1963- January 1968

Donald Lee
1962 - 1965

Ken Leifert
68 - 70

Charles LeMaire
May 75 - Feb 77

Patrick J. Lepore
1975-79; Civilian: 1979-90

Al Lien
Orlando AFB Jun 61- Oct 62,; FEWAFB Oct 62- Sept 67,; and VAFB March 69 - Dec 72

Jon Lippincott
About June 1984 to October 31, 1987

Roger Livingston

James E. Lobdell

Ronald John "Ron" Lofaro
1 January 1961- 1 January 1964

Kirby G. Logan

Gilberto (Gil) Lopez
May, 1962 - May, 1966

Martin Lozano
1978 - 1982

Gus Luzzi
1978- 80 & 1985 - 87

H. I. "Mac" MacDougal
November 1959-March 1963

Eugene ‘Gene’ Makle

John Martin
Sept./1960--Sept./1962 OAFB
Sept./1962--March/1964--Det.#4 Ellsworth AFB SD

Kathy (Cobeen) Martin
F.E. Warren: 1968-1970

Norman H. Mason
1968 - 1973

Richard (Dick) Massetti
Military 64-66 ND 78-80;
Civilian 81-2001

Mike Mattei
1982 - 1985

Billy C. Mayo, LtCol (USAF-Retired)
January 1966 through May 1972

Patrick McDonough
Nov 62 - Nov 66

Will McFarlin
1962 - 1967

Peter J McKenzie
Sep 1977- Sep 1979

Richard McNeil

Karen Meckel
08/89 - 10/93 FE Warren GSS/GSG; 10/93 - 01/98 GG in St Louis, MO

Gary M Micheli
April 10, 1969 to April 9, 1973

Kim Mickley
May 1985 - December 1993

Frank Raymond Miller (Ray)
May 1960 - Nov 1963

Henry S. Miller (Hank)
June 1981 through June 1989

Merilou Miller
1969-1977; 1980-1988

Neil Miller
July 25, 1966 - July 24, 1970

Wayne Miller
Civilian, Det 4

Robert W. "Bob" Millians

Donald G. Mink
24 Aug 1960 - 24 Aug, 1964

Robert V. (Rob) Mitchell
'73 - '77 and '81 - '83

Ross Mooney
Jan 64 - Jul 67

Garrett R. Moore
April 1967- May 1970 and January - December 1972

Patrick Moran
1-82 until 6-92

Joseph "Joe" Moravek
Aug 1969-Aug 1971

David L. Moulton
October 72 - July 76

Connie M. Musha
March 1959 - Dec 1962 (Orlando AFB, FL); June 1975-Sept 1977 (FEW AFB, WY)

Jeffrey Nelson
August 1961 - 1963 in Orlando
1966 - August 1968 at Det 3, Grand Forks

Robert J. Nelson
MIL: Nov 69-71 73-92, Civ: Nov 92-Dec 2008

Ronald Nesti
Jun 1964 - Feb 1968
Detachment 3, Grand Forks AFB, ND

Frederic E. Neumeyer
1959 - 1965

Arthur J. Newton (Art)
01/02/1964 - 05/23/1967 - Military; 07/24/1967 - 12/03/1993 - Civilian

Joseph M. Noel
10 June 1964 - 7 December 1967

Jan Noppen
1982 - 1993

Steven B. Oakes
Dec 67-Apr 68

Jason T O'Neil
March 1990 to September 30 1993 (last day of the unit)

Wayne Paige
Warren Air Force Base, 1969-1973

Darrell K. Parish
Warren Air Force Base, 1968-1970

Paul Patenaude
1 Jan 1970 to October 1970, November 1971 to May 1973

Pete Patera
1987 - 1992

James M. Peek
Oct 1967-June 1971 (military), 11 Oct 1989-May 2004 (civilian)

Dave Perkins
Mil: 1968-76; Civ: 1977-81

Lee Peterson

Lon Pfau
1990 - 1994

David W. Phillips
Nov 75/The end.

Eddie Pinson

Charlotte Lenice Pinson
1980-1981 & 1982-1992

Roger C. Poe
10/67 thru 10/69

Bruce Porter
Apr 1969 - 1978, [1978-1982 at DMS], 1982 - 2000

James D. Porterfield
November 1960 (Orlando) to August 17, 1964

Marcel R Pouliot
Military - May ’72 - Jan ‘76; Civilian - Sept ’79 - Jan ‘98

Jim Pritt

Robert Proett
1962 - 1966

Anita (Reed) Rakestraw
6-4-78 to 1-3-87

Thomas Jerry Reese
Dec 15, 1965 - Dec 8, 1969

Rick Reider
Aug 1969 - Aug 1972

Lee L. Robert

David Roberts
1984 - 1989

Warren Robertson
1963 - Nov 1965

James M. Robinette
Mil - early 60s / Civ - late 60s

Richard (Rick) Rogers
Apr 72 to Dec 79 (77-79 at Det 4)

James (Jim) Rolen
June 1961 - September 1964

Charles "Chuck" Rose
Apr 1973 - Feb 1980

Robert D. Rowe
1960-63 and 1977-89

Theodore Rybak
Orlando AFB, 1960-1963; F.E. Warren AFB, 1963-1964

Bob Santana
1967 - 1971

John Sarles
GSS Oct 1971 to July 1977 and Dec 1984 to Oct 1991
DMS Aug 1980 to Dec 1984

Brenda (nee Blake) Schilinski
Dec 1975 - Feb 1980

Paul Schilinski
Jan 1977 - Oct 1978

David Schmitz
1975-1978 GSS, F.E. Warren AFB, WY (Conventional Survey);
1978-1981 Det 1, Vandenberg AFB, CA (Conventional Survey);
1981-1986 GSS F.E. Warren AFB, WY (Inertial Positioning)

"Steve" Schwartz
July 1981 - July 1984

Robert M.(Mike) Scoggins
June 1967-August 1969

Michael (Mike) Scott
5/1963 to 11/1966

Stephen M. Scott
Whiteman AFB, June 1971 - June 1972; F.E. Warren, July 1972 - December 1974

Anthony W. Seizys (Tony)
Jan 1973 - May 1977

Parris "Pat" Sepe
May 1961 - May 1963

Joshua C. Sermons
May 1980 - June 1992

Barry D. Sheaffer
Oct 1962 - Oct 1966

Peter J. Sheats
20 Jul 59 - 9 Oct 61

Lyndon L. Sheldon
April 1976 - May 1980

Gerald (Jerry) R Shrewsbury
Jan 67-May 69

Carl E. Shoultz, Sr
August 1960 thru June 1964

Jim Siler
Dec '69 to May '71

Lewis (Lew) Simpson
Arrived:10/1985; retired from USAF 03/1992

Truitt C. Sims

Robert Skolasky

James and Amy Slankard
1985-Dec 1988 (Amy) & November 1986-March 1988 (James)

Robert B. "Bob" Smith
Orlando: 1962-1964

Ivan J. Smith
1989 - 1993

Sigfrid ("Sig") Soli

Douglas Spangler
Feb 1979 to Oct 1987

Alonzo (Al) D. Spaugh
Aug 68 to Feb 70

Walter Spita
Military: Orlando AFB, Nov 1963 - Sep 1965; FE Warren AFB, Sep 1965 - Dec 1967
Civilian: FE Warren AFB, Oct 76-Jan 84

Louis Squitieri

Dawn Starr
11/16/89 - 6/30/93

Elizabeth Starr (Liz)
1980 to 1993

James H. St. Clair, Colonel USAF, Retired
August 1961 to August 1963

Richard W. Steffens (Dick)
From 07/1969 through 05/1973

Larry E. Stegall

Lawrence Steinberg
March 1968 - June 1971

William (Bill) Stone
Jan 1985 to Oct 1987

Dave Stouden
10.66 to 8.70

Dr. Herbert W. Stoughton, P.E., P. L. S., C. P.
mid-August 1990 - 3 December 1993

David D. Stout
8/67-8/71 with 1GSS (FEW AFB)

Richard Stroud
Nov 74 - Jan 86

Mike Strong
May 1969 to November 1972

John (Jack) Studley
1971- 1975

Jerry L. Summerfield

Tom Swart
Cheyenne 12/66 to 9/68
Great Falls 9/68 to 12/70

John C Swann
FEW 77-81 & 87-93

Rod Sweet
Sept. 1960 - Aug. 1964

Mike Szyhowski
GSS - Mar 72 - Mar 73 (enlisted); Det 4 - Mar 73 - Jul 78 (enlisted); GSS - Mar 79 - Jun 81 (officer)

Robert Teed
1964 - 1968

Brodie Thompson
12.91 - 12.93

Tom Teixeira
1984-1988 1992

Bob Tyszka
Military: Aug 1983 - Oct 1986; Civilian: June 1992 - present

Jim Unfried

Fred Vassau
Sept 1966 thru May 1970

Ken Vath
10/79 - 07/85 & 10/91 - 12/95

Bob Wade

Dennis "Del Lambright" Walkenshaw
Dec 1973 - May 1978

Thomas Walt
1981 - 1986

Robert L. Walter
Feb. 1966 - April 1968

Bobby C Walters
Orlando AFB, Fl, 1960-1965;
Det2, Malmstrom AFB, Mt, 1969-1972;
F. E Warren AFB, Wy, 1975-1980

Dennis G. (Deeg) Warring
SEP 70 - OCT 93

Mark P. "Ty" Warner
Oct 78 - Mar 92

Floyd Watson, Jr.
1984 -1987 (Retired)

Micheal Watters, Lt. Col., Ret.
Sept 1978 - July 1980

Robert Weaver
August 1966 to Dec 31, 1978

Charles T. "Chuck" Whalen
Dec. 1959 - June 1975

James R. Will
1972 - 1983

Frank W. Williams
Aug 17, 1960 to Aug 16, 1964

Arthur Winters
1980-1985 F. E. Warren (GSS), 1985-1989 Holloman AFB (GSS/DMAHTC), 1989-1996 Patrick AFB (DMAHTC), 1996-Present Holloman AFB (NIMA, NGA)

Richard "Dick" Winslow
April 1966 through March 1970

Warren V. Woodard, III (Woody)
June 1969-April 1972, June 1975-Nov 1979

H. V. "Woody" Woodworth
1960 - 1964; 1975 - 1987

Dave Wright
1381st GSSq, Cheyenne, Aug 1966- Oct 1967; Det 3, 1st GSSq, Grand Forks, ND Oct 1967 - Mar 1970

James (Jim) Yagmin
Dec 67 thru Sept 69

Douglas R. (Doug) Young
December, 1967 - February, 1971

Stanley R. Zawisza
July 62 - July 66

Joe Zebrowski
Oct 83 - Oct 85, F. E. Warren AFB; Oct 85 - Dec 89, Vandenberg AFB