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GSS 50th Reunion Prospective Attendees
Abby, Darwin
Bradley, Norman
Brown, Carroll
Calantine, Kelly
Carlson, Bob
Carter, William
Chambers, Elmer & Obie
Connor, Kim
Cramer, Al
DePuy, John
Dix, John
Duke, Delbert
Eckhardt, Rick and Kathy
Edwards, James
Everitt, LeRoy
Farrington, James
Fincke, Ed and Alma
Foster, Dick
Friehauf, Edwin
Gilbert, Paul
Gschwind, Jerry
Guliuzza, Gus
Haas, Victor
Hannon, Dana
Hatchett, William
Heiniger, Keith
Herring, John
Hootman, Larry
Joll, Alan (not Jawl)
Johnson, Fred
Johnson, Jay
Kemp, John & Lottie
Knoblauch, Leo
Konkel, Mike
Kurkowski, Jerome
Lippincott, Jon
Massetti, Dick
McDonough, Pat
McDougal, Mac
Mertz, Brian Mertz
Micheli, Gary
Miller, Hank
Millians, Robert
Mitchell, Robert
Moore, Garrett
Nesti, Ron & Linda
Nolton, John
Pammel, Pete
Patera, Pete
Peek, James
Perelka, Robert
Pfeifer, Ludvik
Proett, Robert
Rakestraw, Anita
Rose, Chuck
Rowe, Bob
Sarles, John
Spaugh, Alonzo
Starr, Liz
Stoughton, Herb
Stout, David
Stroud, Richard
Tyszka, Bob
Walkenshaw, Dell
Weaver, Bob
Wickman, Don
Winters, Arthur